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INFP 4w5(完整指南)

2023-03-13 19:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


INFP是MBTI中的调停者。他们因拥有善良的心和含蓄的天性而赢得掌声。他们通常被认为是最甜蜜的人格类型。当与九型人格结合时,许多INFP将自己定义为enneagram 4w5。那么,我们能从INFP 4w5中期待什么呢?

INFPs are the mediators of the MBTI. Their kind heart and reserved nature win them applause. They are often regarded as the sweetest personality type out there. When combined with the enneagram of personality, many INFPs identify themselves as enneagram 4w5. So what can we expect from an INFP 4w5?INFP 4w5是什么样的?

INFP 4w5是非常独立的人。他们往往是保守的,远离他们的环境。INFP 4w5也可能对艺术和音乐感兴趣。


因此,INFP 4w5s可能看起来是一个非常情绪化且敏感的主体。然而,他们可能会对其他事情做出清晰和合乎逻辑的决定。

Enneagram 4被认为是INFP的自然配对。这是因为它完美地补充了INFP的内向情感(Fi)。


What are INFP 4w5 Like?

INFP 4w5s are very independent people. They are often reserved and detached from their surrounding. INFP 4w5 may also be interested in arts and music.

This type is often on a quest to find their true selves. Thus, they might struggle with self-identity. There is often a conflict between logic and emotion.

Thus, INFP 4w5s might seem very emotional regarding touchy subjects. However, they might make clear and logical decisions about other things.

Enneagram 4 is considered to be a natural pairing for INFPs. This is because it perfectly complements the INFP’s introverted feeling (Fi).

Thus, INFPs who are type 4s often have strong values and an even stronger moral compass.

INFP 4w5罕见吗?

INFP是相当罕见的。总的来说,INFP约占世界人口的4.4% 。其中一半以上是4w5。

因此,你可以说INFP 4w5占世界人口的1-2%。

Are INFP 4w5s Rare?

INFPs are quite rare. INFPs, in general, make up about 4.4% of the world’s population. More than half of that percentage are 4w5s.

Thus, you can say that INFP 4w5s make up about 1-2% of the world’s population.

INFP 4w5的基本愿望是什么?

INFP 4w5的基本愿望是独特和独立。为了做到这一点,INFP 4w5倾向于做他们觉得有成就感的事情。对生活的满足和热情最能吸引他们。

What is the Basic Desire of the INFP 4w5?

The basic desire of the INFP 4w5 is to be unique and independent. To achieve this, INFP 4w5 tends to do things they find fulfilling. Feeling satisfied and passionate about their life appeals to them the most.

INFP 4w5的基本恐惧是什么?

INFP 4w5的基本恐惧是平庸和没有意义。他们只是不想和其他人一样,或者发现自己被困在一个他们并不热爱的职业中。

INFP 4w5害怕找不到自己。

What is the Basic Fear of the INFP 4w5?

The basic fear of the INFP 4w5 is to be ordinary and insignificant. They simply do not want to be like everyone else or find themselves stuck in a profession they are not passionate about.

INFP 4w5 are afraid of not finding themselves.



How the 4w5 Changes the Natural Tendencies of the INFP

As earlier stated, type 4 is regarded as the perfect enneagram type for the INFP. However, because they have a wing 5,there will be little changes to the INFP.

Here are some of these changes.


INFP天生就是情感使用者。虽然这是真的,但INFP 4w5在做决定时会使用更多的逻辑。

一些INFP 4w5在处理特定的问题时可能会使用逻辑,在处理其他问题时可能会使用情绪。(emmmmm)


1. More Logical

INFPs are feelers by their very nature. While this is true, INFP 4w5s will use more logic when making decisions.

Some INFP 4w5s might use logic when dealing with a particular set of problems and emotions when dealing with others.

However, you can just sense that they are not as emotional as a normal INFP.


总的来说,INFP是内倾者。不过,INFP 4w5 s会更内向。因为他们有5侧翼,他们可能看起来更冷漠或中立。

这也意味着他们可能需要比平常的INFP更多的独处时间。在这方面,INFP 4w5s通常表面看起来和行为都像INTP。

2. More Detached and Aloof

INFPs, in general, are introverts. However, INFP 4w5s will be more introverted. Because they have wing 5, they might seem more aloof or indifferent.

It also means that they might need more time alone than a normal INFP. INFP 4w5s often look and behave like INTPs in this regard.


翼5的出现让这种类型具有好奇心。因此,他们常常发现自己被学术所吸引。同样,这在很大程度上取决于他们侧翼5的强度。不是每个INFP 4w5都会喜欢学术。然而,他们肯定有某种倾向。

3. Drawn to Academics

The presence of wing 5 makes this type really curious. Thus, they often find themselves drawn to academics. Again, this largely depends on the strength of their wing. It is not a given that every INFP 4w5 will like academics.

However, they certainly have some sort of inclination towards it.


INFP 4w5肯定会喜欢理论和抽象的想法。他们的直觉和侧翼5结合在一起,使这种类型着迷于理论和可能性。

因此,INFP 4w5经常喜欢就各种议题进行深入的对话,即使是阴谋论也不排斥谈论。

4. Abstract Ideas and Endless Theories

INFP 4w5 will certainly love theories and abstract ideas. Their intuition and wing 5 combine to make this type fascinated by theories and possibilities.

Thus, INFP 4w5 often enjoys deep conversations about various issues. Even conspiracy theories are not off the table with this type.


INFP 4w5想要自给自足。因此,他们渴望拥有自己的事业和处理自己的财务。他们不只是想处理自己的财务。他们想做得很好。因为这种需要,他们将避免陷入无休止的债务。


对于INFP 4w5来说,这都是关于他们所热爱和喜爱的。

5. The Need to be Self-sufficient With Finances

INFP 4w5 wants to be self-sufficient. Thus, they crave having their careers and handling their finances. They do not just want to handle their finances. They want to be great at it. Because of this need, they will avoid running into endless debts.

To them, being self-sufficient is one way they show how unique they are. They also don’t want to settle for just any job or career.

For INFP 4w5, it’s all about what they are passionate about and love.

INFP 4w5的新弱点1、更加孤立

INFP享受独处的时光。他们喜欢花这些时间看书或只是独处。INFP 4w5把这带到另一个水平。他们可以独自呆很长时间。



New Weaknesses of the INFP 4w5

1. More IsolatedINFPs enjoy their alone time. They love to spend these moments reading a book or just being alone. INFP 4w5s take this to another level. They can stay alone for long periods.

When the INFP dark sideis strong, this can be a big problem. INFPs are one of the types that have issues with anxiety and depression.

Being isolated simply does not help this situation.


一般来说,INFPs是你能找到的最可爱的人。然而,INFP 4w5有点不同。他们更有可能避免人们的情绪问题。


然而,INFP 4w5仍然是INFP。所以,在内心深处,他们对待某些事比你想象的要更重视。

2. Less Considerate

INFPs, in general, are known to be the sweetest people you can find. However, INFP 4w5s are a bit different. They are more likely to avoid people’s emotional troubles.

They are more likely to avoid people and the issues they bring, like the plague. This might make them seem emotionless or inconsiderate of people’s issues.

However, INFP 4w5s are still INFPs. So, deep down, they care more than you think.


INFP 4w5s常常显得非常专注于自身。他们经常考虑自己的利益和未来。因此,他们似乎不太关心他人和他们所面对的事。

这主要是因为他们的类型4。因此,INFP 4w5在这方面可能看起来像INFJ。虽然他们常常只顾自己,但这并不一定意味着他们不在乎别人。他们只想找回自我。

3. Self-Absorbed

INFP 4w5s often seem very self-absorbed. They are often thinking about their interests and their future. Thus, they might not seem to care much about others and what they are facing.

This is largely because of their type 4. Thus, INFP 4w5 might seem like INFJs in this respect. While they are often self-absorbed, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t care. They just want to find themselves.


INFP 4w5比你的平常的INFP更顽固。这通常显示他们的价值被考验。INFP 4w5s通常会抵制任何控制他们或让他们做一些不适合他们的事的企图。


4. More Stubborn

INFP 4w5s are much more stubborn than your normal INFP. This usually shows when their values are tested. INFP 4w5s will often resist any attempt to control them or make them do things that don’t sit right with them.

The level of resistance might be surprising to people who don’t really know them well.

INFP 4w5对INFP 5w4

想知道INFP 4w5和INFP 5w4之间有什么区别吗?让我们看看。

INFP 4w5最佳职业心理学家药剂师医生作家摄影师平面设计师Actor/Actress神职人员传教士教授科学家护理INFP 4w5最差职业律师军事的审计员律师助理INFP 4w5的虚构或著名人物科特·柯本美女与野兽巴里·艾伦米茨基文森特·梵高雨伞学院七号







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